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TableService is a Unity Catalog API service that UnityCatalogServer uses to handle HTTP requests at /api/2.1/unity-catalog/tables URL.

Method URL Handler Params
GET / listTables
  • catalog_name
  • schema_name
  • max_results
  • page_token
  • omit_properties
  • omit_columns
POST / createTable JSON-ified CreateTable
GET /{full_name} getTable
  • fullName
DELETE /{full_name} deleteTable
  • fullName
$ http http://localhost:8081/api/2.1/unity-catalog/tables catalog_name==unity schema_name==default | jq '.tables[].name'

Creating Instance

TableService takes the following to be created:

While being created, TableService creates an UnityAccessEvaluator.

TableService is created when:


TableService creates an UnityAccessEvaluator (with the given UnityCatalogAuthorizer) when created.

Create Table Metadata

HttpResponse createTable(
  CreateTable createTable)

createTable requests the system-wide TableRepository instance to persist the given table metadata.

List Tables

HttpResponse listTables(
  String catalogName,
  String schemaName,
  Optional<Integer> maxResults,
  Optional<String> pageToken,
  Optional<Boolean> omitProperties,
  Optional<Boolean> omitColumns)

listTables requests the system-wide TableRepository instance to list the tables.