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PermissionService is a Unity Catalog API service that UnityCatalogServer uses to handle HTTP requests at /api/2.1/unity-catalog/permissions URL.

Method URL Handler SecurableType
GET /catalog/{name} getCatalogAuthorization catalog
GET /function/{name} getFunctionAuthorization function
GET /metastore/{name} getMetastoreAuthorization metastore
GET /registered_model/{name} getRegisteredModelAuthorization registered_model
GET /schema/{name} getSchemaAuthorization schema
GET /table/{name} getTableAuthorization table
GET /volume/{name} getVolumeAuthorization volume
Method URL Handler AuthorizeKey
PATCH /metastore/{name} updateMetastoreAuthorization metastore
$ http http://localhost:8080/api/2.1/unity-catalog/permissions/catalog/unity
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
content-length: 28
content-type: application/json
date: Thu, 3 Oct 2024 15:30:28 GMT
server: Armeria/1.28.4

    "privilege_assignments": []
Unity Catalog CLI

The above http command is equivalent to the following:

❯ ./bin/uc permission get --securable_type catalog --name unity

Creating Instance

PermissionService takes the following to be created:

PermissionService is created when:

Get Authorization

HttpResponse getAuthorization(
  SecurableType securableType,
  String name)

getAuthorization finds the ID of the given SecurableType and name.

getAuthorization finds the ID of the current principal.


getAuthorization is used when PermissionService is requested for the following authorizations:

Update Authorization

HttpResponse updateAuthorization(
  SecurableType securableType,
  String name,
  UpdatePermissions request)


Get Metastore Authorization

HttpResponse getMetastoreAuthorization(
  String name)

getMetastoreAuthorization getAuthorization of the METASTORE securable type with the given name.

getMetastoreAuthorization is used to handle GET /metastore/{name} requests.