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TableCli is used by UnityCatalogCli to handle table sub-commands.

$ ./bin/uc table --help
Please provide a valid sub-command for table.
Valid sub-commands for table are: read, get, create, list, write, delete
For detailed help on table sub-commands, use bin/uc table <sub-command> --help

Read-write support for delta tables only

Only delta tables are supported for read and write operations.

Handle Command Line

void handle(
  CommandLine cmd,
  ApiClient apiClient)

handle handles the given cmd.

handle creates a TablesApi and TemporaryTableCredentialsApi (with the given ApiClient).

Subcommand Handler API Handlers
create createTable TablesApi
delete deleteTable TablesApi
get getTable TablesApi
list listTables TablesApi
read readTable TablesApi
write writeTable TablesApi

handle is used when:

Create Table

String createTable(
  TablesApi apiClient,
  JSONObject json)

createTable handles create sub-command.

./bin/uc table create --help
Usage: bin/uc table create [options]
Required Params:
  --full_name The full name in the format catalog_name.schema_name for schema, or catalog_name.schema_name.table_name for table/function/volume
  --columns The columns of the table. Each column spec should be in the sql-like format  "column_name column_data_type".Supported data types are BOOLEAN, BYTE, SHORT, INT, LONG, FLOAT, DOUBLE, DATE, TIMESTAMP, TIMESTAMP_NTZ, STRING, BINARY, DECIMAL. Multiple columns should be separated by a comma. For example: "id INT, name STRING".
  --storage_location The storage location associated with the table. Need to be specified for external tables.
Optional Params:
  --server UC Server to connect to. Default is reference server.
  --auth_token PAT token to authorize uc requests.
  --output To indicate CLI output format preference. Supported values are json and jsonPretty.
  --format The format of the data source. Supported values are DELTA, PARQUET, ORC, JSON, CSV, AVRO and TEXT.
  --properties The properties of the entity. Need to be in json format. For example: "{"key1": "value1", "key2": "value2"}".

createTable takes the full_name command-line option (from the given JSONObject) and extracts the parts (as if they were given separately).


createTable accepts a three-level namespace ([catalog].[schema].[name]) only.


The command-line option is full_name yet it is removed and replaced by the three parts.

Unless specified, createTable sets table_type to be EXTERNAL.

No Support for Managed Tables using CLI

Only EXTERNAL tables are created using ./bin/uc command-line utility.

Unless specified (using format CLI option), createTable sets data_source_format to be DELTA.

createTable creates a CreateTable:

CreateTable Server Param CLI Option
name name name
catalogName catalog_name catalog
schemaName schema_name schema
columns columns columns
properties properties properties
tableType table_type table_type
dataSourceFormat data_source_format format

For EXTERNAL table type, createTable sets storage_location of the CreateTable as the value of storage_location command-line option and handleTableStorageLocation.

Storage Location

Storage locations must start with the following prefixes:

  • s3://
  • file:/
  • / for absolute local filesystem paths

External Tables with Local Storage Locations

For external tables with non-s3:// storage locations, createTable creates a delta table only.

createTable requests the given TablesApi client to send the CreateTable to the server (that responds with a TableInfo).


The CreateTable request is sent out as a POST request to /tables API endpoint.


void handleTableStorageLocation(
  String storageLocation,
  List<ColumnInfo> columnInfos)

handleTableStorageLocation supports storageLocations with one of the following prefixes (or throws a CliException):

  • s3://
  • file:/
  • / for absolute local filesystem paths

For a local filesystem path (a non-s3:// storage location), handleTableStorageLocation creates an empty delta table (the directory with a delta log at the storage location).

No AwsCredentials Used

handleTableStorageLocation creates an empty delta table with no AwsCredentials (null).

Write to Delta Table

String writeTable(
  TemporaryTableCredentialsApi temporaryTableCredentialsApi,
  TablesApi tablesApi,
  JSONObject json)

Only delta tables supported

writeTable can only write to delta tables (with DELTA format in the catalog).

writeTable looks up the table (by the full_name parameter).

writeTable requests temporary table credentials for READ_WRITE operation on the table.

Only for a delta table, writeTable writes out sample data.