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RocksDBFileManager is the file manager of RocksDB.

Creating Instance

RocksDBFileManager takes the following to be created:

  • DFS Root Directory
  • Local Temporary Directory
  • Hadoop Configuration
  • Logging ID

RocksDBFileManager is created when:


  checkpointDir: File,
  version: Long,
  numKeys: Long): Unit

Saves all the files in the given local checkpointDir checkpoint directory as a committed version to DFS.

RocksDB: commit - file sync to external storage time

The duration of saveCheckpointToDfs is tracked and available as RocksDB: commit - file sync to external storage time metric (via fileSync).

saveCheckpointToDfs logs the files in the given checkpointDir directory. saveCheckpointToDfs prints out the following INFO message to the logs:

Saving checkpoint files for version [version] - [num] files
    [path] - [length] bytes

saveCheckpointToDfs listRocksDBFiles in the given checkpointDir directory.

saveCheckpointToDfs saveImmutableFilesToDfs.

saveCheckpointToDfs creates a RocksDBCheckpointMetadata.

saveCheckpointToDfs localMetadataFile from the given checkpointDir directory.

saveCheckpointToDfs requests the RocksDBCheckpointMetadata to writeToFile.

saveCheckpointToDfs prints out the following INFO message to the logs:

Written metadata for version [version]:

saveCheckpointToDfs zipToDfsFile.

In the end, saveCheckpointToDfs prints out the following INFO message to the logs:

Saved checkpoint file for version [version]

saveCheckpointToDfs is used when:


Enable ALL logging level for org.apache.spark.sql.execution.streaming.state.RocksDBFileManager logger to see what happens inside.

Add the following line to conf/

Refer to Logging.