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ReadLimit is an abstraction of limits on how many records to read from a MicroBatchStream that SupportsAdmissionControl.

ReadLimit is used by stream execution engines when they are requested for unique streaming sources:

Factory Methods (Subset)


ReadLimit allAvailable()

allAvailable returns ReadAllAvailable.

allAvailable is used when:

Creating CompositeReadLimit

ReadLimit compositeLimit(
  ReadLimit[] readLimits)

compositeLimit creates a CompositeReadLimit with the given ReadLimits.


compositeLimit is used only in Kafka Data Source when minOffsetPerTrigger and maxOffsetsPerTrigger options are specified.

compositeLimit is used when:

Creating ReadMaxRows

ReadLimit maxRows(
  long rows)

maxRows creates a ReadMaxRows with the given rows.

maxRows is used when:

Creating ReadMinRows

ReadLimit minRows(
  long rows,
  long maxTriggerDelayMs)

minRows creates a ReadMinRows with the given rows and maxTriggerDelayMs.

minRows is used when:



CompositeReadLimit is a ReadLimit that holds other ReadLimits.

CompositeReadLimit is created using ReadLimit.compositeLimit utility.

Used when:


ReadMaxRows is a ReadLimit that is described by the following:

Attribute Description
rows Approximate maximum rows to scan (maxRows)

ReadMaxRows is created using ReadLimit.maxRows utility.

Used when:


ReadMinRows is a ReadLimit that is described by the following:

Attribute Description
rows Approximate minimum rows to scan (minRows)
maxTriggerDelayMs Approximate maximum trigger delay

ReadMinRows is created using ReadLimit.minRows utility.

Used when: