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ShowCreateTableExec Physical Command

ShowCreateTableExec is a V2CommandExec physical command that represents ShowCreateTable logical operator at execution.

ShowCreateTableExec is a LeafExecNode.

Creating Instance

ShowCreateTableExec takes the following to be created:

ShowCreateTableExec is created when:

Executing Command

run(): Seq[InternalRow]

run is part of the V2CommandExec abstraction.

run showCreateTable.


  table: Table,
  builder: StringBuilder): Unit

showCreateTable adds the following (to the given StringBuilder):

CREATE TABLE [tableName]

showCreateTable then does the following:


  table: Table,
  builder: StringBuilder): Unit

showTableDataColumns requests the given Table for the columns that are converted to DDL format.


  table: Table,
  builder: StringBuilder): Unit
Noop for a non-partitioned table

showTablePartitioning does nothing (noop) when the given table has no partitioning.

For a BucketTransform (among partitioning transforms), showTablePartitioning creates a BucketSpec to add the following (to the given StringBuilder):

CLUSTERED BY [bucketColumnNames]
SORTED BY [sortColumnNames]
INTO [numBuckets] BUCKETS
One BucketTransform Supported

In case there are more BucketTransforms, the last wins.

For all other Transforms, showTablePartitioning requests them to describe and adds the following (to the given StringBuilder):

PARTITIONED BY [transforms]