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QueryStageExec Leaf Physical Operators

QueryStageExec is an extension of the LeafExecNode abstraction for leaf physical operators for Adaptive Query Execution.



cancel(): Unit

Cancels the stage materialization if in progress; otherwise does nothing.

Used when:


doMaterialize(): Future[Any]

Used when:

Runtime Statistics

getRuntimeStatistics: Statistics

Statistics after stage materialization


Used when:

Query Stage ID

id: Int

Used when:

New ShuffleQueryStageExec Instance for Reuse

  newStageId: Int,
  newOutput: Seq[Attribute]): QueryStageExec

Used when:

Physical Query Plan

plan: SparkPlan

The sub-tree of the main query plan of this query stage (that acts like a child operator, but QueryStageExec is a LeafExecNode and has no children)



_resultOption: AtomicReference[Option[Any]]

QueryStageExec uses a _resultOption transient volatile internal variable (of type AtomicReference) for the result of a successful materialization of this QueryStageExec operator (when preparing for query execution):

As AtomicReference is mutable that is enough to update the value.

_resultOption is set when AdaptiveSparkPlanExec physical operator is requested for the final physical plan.

_resultOption is available using resultOption.


resultOption: AtomicReference[Option[Any]]

resultOption returns the current value of the _resultOption registry.

resultOption is used when:

Computing Runtime Statistics

computeStats(): Option[Statistics]

Only when this QueryStageExec has been materialized, computeStats gives a new Statistics based on the runtime statistics (and flips the isRuntime flag to true).

Otherwise, computeStats returns no statistics (None).

computeStats is used when:

  • LogicalQueryStage logical operator is requested for the Statistics


isMaterialized: Boolean

isMaterialized checks whether or not the resultOption has a value.

isMaterialized is used when:

Materializing Query Stage

materialize(): Future[Any]

materialize prints out the following DEBUG message to the logs (with the id):

Materialize query stage [simpleName]: [id]

materialize doMaterialize.

Final Method

materialize is a Scala final method and may not be overridden in subclasses.

Learn more in the Scala Language Specification.

materialize is used when:

Text Representation

  depth: Int,
  lastChildren: Seq[Boolean],
  append: String => Unit,
  verbose: Boolean,
  prefix: String = "",
  addSuffix: Boolean = false,
  maxFields: Int,
  printNodeId: Boolean,
  indent: Int = 0): Unit

generateTreeString is part of the TreeNode abstraction.

generateTreeString generateTreeString (the default) followed by another generateTreeString (with the depth incremented).


QueryStageExec is an abstract class and logging is configured using the logger of the implementations.