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LongHashedRelation is a HashedRelation that is used when HashedRelation is requested for a concrete HashedRelation instance when the single key is of type long.

LongHashedRelation is also a Java Externalizable, i.e. when persisted, only the identity is written in the serialization stream and it is the responsibility of the class to <> and <> the contents of its instances.

LongHashedRelation is <> when:

. HashedRelation is requested for a concrete HashedRelation (and <> factory method is used)

. LongHashedRelation is requested for a <> (when BroadcastHashJoinExec is requested to[execute])

=== [[writeExternal]] writeExternal Method

[source, scala]

writeExternal(out: ObjectOutput): Unit

NOTE: writeExternal is part of Java's ++[Externalizable Contract] to...FIXME.


NOTE: writeExternal is used when...FIXME

=== [[readExternal]] readExternal Method

[source, scala]

readExternal(in: ObjectInput): Unit

NOTE: readExternal is part of Java's ++[Externalizable Contract] to...FIXME.


NOTE: readExternal is used when...FIXME

=== [[creating-instance]] Creating LongHashedRelation Instance

LongHashedRelation takes the following when created:

  • [[nFields]] Number of fields
  • [[map]] LongToUnsafeRowMap

LongHashedRelation initializes the <>.

=== [[asReadOnlyCopy]] Creating Read-Only Copy of LongHashedRelation -- asReadOnlyCopy Method

[source, scala]

asReadOnlyCopy(): LongHashedRelation


asReadOnlyCopy is part of the HashedRelation abstraction.

=== [[getValue]] Getting Value Row for Given Key -- getValue Method

[source, scala]

getValue(key: InternalRow): InternalRow

getValue checks if the input key is null at 0 position and if so gives null. Otherwise, getValue takes the long value at position 0 and <>.

getValue is part of the HashedRelation abstraction.

=== [[apply]] Creating LongHashedRelation Instance -- apply Factory Method

[source, scala]

apply( input: Iterator[InternalRow], key: Seq[Expression], sizeEstimate: Int, taskMemoryManager: TaskMemoryManager): LongHashedRelation


apply is used when HashedRelation is requested for a concrete HashedRelation.