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MetadataColumnHelper Implicit Class

MetadataColumnHelper is a Scala implicit class of Attribute class.

Creating Instance

MetadataColumnHelper takes the following to be created:


isMetadataCol: Boolean

isMetadataCol takes the Metadata of the Attribute and checks if there is the __metadata_col key with true value.

isMetadataCol is used when:


markAsQualifiedAccessOnly(): Attribute

markAsQualifiedAccessOnly propagates hidden columns by adding the following entries to the metadata of this Attribute:

Metadata Key Value
__metadata_col The name of this Attribute
__qualified_access_only true

markAsQualifiedAccessOnly is used when:


markAsAllowAnyAccess(): Attribute

Only with qualifiedAccessOnly enabled, markAsAllowAnyAccess removes __qualified_access_only metadata key from this Attribute.

Otherwise, markAsAllowAnyAccess does nothing (a noop) and returns this Attribute intact.

markAsAllowAnyAccess is used when: