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LogicalPlan — Logical Relational Operators of Structured Query

LogicalPlan is an extension of the QueryPlan abstraction for logical operators to build a logical query plan (as a tree of logical operators).

LogicalPlan is eventually resolved (transformed) to a physical operator.



Logical operators with two child logical operators




LeafNode is a logical operator with no child operators


Logical operators with a single child logical operator

Other Logical Operators

Statistics Cache

Cached plan statistics (as Statistics) of the LogicalPlan

Computed and cached in stats

Used in stats and verboseStringWithSuffix

Reset in invalidateStatsCache

Estimated Statistics

  conf: CatalystConf): Statistics

stats returns the <> or <> (and caches it as <>).

stats is used when:

  • A LogicalPlan <Statistics>>
  • QueryExecution is requested to build a complete text representation
  • JoinSelection checks whether a plan can be broadcast et al
  •[CostBasedJoinReorder] attempts to reorder inner joins
  • LimitPushDown is executed (for FullOuter join)
  • AggregateEstimation estimates Statistics
  • FilterEstimation estimates child Statistics
  • InnerOuterEstimation estimates Statistics of the left and right sides of a join
  • LeftSemiAntiEstimation estimates Statistics
  • ProjectEstimation estimates Statistics

Refreshing Child Logical Operators

refresh(): Unit

refresh calls itself recursively for every child logical operator.


refresh is overriden by LogicalRelation only (that refreshes the location of HadoopFsRelation relations only).

refresh is used when:

Resolving Column Attributes to References in Query Plan

  nameParts: Seq[String],
  resolver: Resolver): Option[NamedExpression]
  schema: StructType,
  resolver: Resolver): Seq[Attribute]

resolve requests the outputAttributes to resolve and then the outputMetadataAttributes if the first resolve did not give a NamedExpression.

Accessing Logical Query Plan of Structured Query

In order to get the logical plan of a structured query you should use the <>.

scala> :type q

val plan = q.queryExecution.logical
scala> :type plan

LogicalPlan goes through execution stages (as a QueryExecution). In order to convert a LogicalPlan to a QueryExecution you should use SessionState and request it to "execute" the plan.

scala> :type spark

// You could use Catalyst DSL to create a logical query plan
scala> :type plan

val qe = spark.sessionState.executePlan(plan)
scala> :type qe

Maximum Number of Records

maxRows: Option[Long]

maxRows is undefined (None).


maxRows is supposed to be overriden by the implementations for logical optimizations to eliminate in particular (e.g., EliminateLimits and EliminateOffsets logical optimizations) or optimize in general (e.g., OptimizeOneRowPlan) logical query plans.


maxRows is used when:

  • EliminateLimits logical optimization is executed
  • EliminateOffsets logical optimization is executed
  • InferWindowGroupLimit logical optimization is executed
  • LimitPushDown logical optimization is executed (for LeftSemiOrAnti with no join condition)
  • LimitPushDownThroughWindow logical optimization is executed
  • LogicalPlan is requested for maxRowsPerPartition
  • OptimizeOneRowPlan logical optimization is executed
  • RewriteCorrelatedScalarSubquery logical optimization is executed

Maximum Number of Records per Partition

maxRowsPerPartition: Option[Long]

maxRowsPerPartition is exactly the maximum number of records by default.

maxRowsPerPartition is used when LimitPushDown logical optimization is executed.

Executing Logical Plan

A common idiom in Spark SQL to make sure that a logical plan can be analyzed is to request a SparkSession for the SessionState that is in turn requested to "execute" the logical plan (which simply creates a QueryExecution).

scala> :type plan

val qe = sparkSession.sessionState.executePlan(plan)
// the following gives the analyzed logical plan
// no exceptions are expected since analysis went fine
val analyzedPlan = qe.analyzed

Converting Logical Plan to Dataset

Another common idiom in Spark SQL to convert a LogicalPlan into a Dataset is to use Dataset.ofRows internal method that "executes" the logical plan followed by creating a Dataset with the QueryExecution and RowEncoder.


childrenResolved: Boolean

A logical operator is considered partially resolved when its child operators are resolved (aka children resolved).


resolved: Boolean

resolved is true for all expressions and the children resolved.

Lazy Value

resolved is a Scala lazy value to guarantee that the code to initialize it is executed once only (when accessed for the first time) and the computed value never changes afterwards.

Metadata Output Attributes

metadataOutput: Seq[Attribute]

metadataOutput requests the children for the metadata output attributes (recursively).


metadataOutput should be overridden by operators that do not propagate its children's output.


metadataOutput is used when:


childMetadataAttributes: AttributeSeq

childMetadataAttributes is an AttributeSeq of the (non-empty) metadataOutputs of the children of this operator.

Lazy Value

childMetadataAttributes is a Scala lazy value to guarantee that the code to initialize it is executed once only (when accessed for the first time) and the computed value never changes afterwards.

Learn more in the Scala Language Specification.

childMetadataAttributes is used when:


outputMetadataAttributes: AttributeSeq

outputMetadataAttributes is an AttributeSeq of the metadataOutput of this operator.

Lazy Value

outputMetadataAttributes is a Scala lazy value to guarantee that the code to initialize it is executed once only (when accessed for the first time) and the computed value never changes afterwards.

Learn more in the Scala Language Specification.

outputMetadataAttributes is used when:

  • LogicalPlan is requested to resolve