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InsertIntoDir Unary Logical Operator

InsertIntoDir is a[unary logical operator] that represents sql/[INSERT OVERWRITE DIRECTORY] SQL statement.

NOTE: InsertIntoDir is similar to[InsertIntoTable] logical operator.

[[resolved]] InsertIntoDir can never be[resolved] (i.e. InsertIntoTable should not be part of a logical plan after analysis and is supposed to be <> at analysis phase).

[[logical-conversions]] .InsertIntoDir's Logical Resolutions (Conversions) [cols="30,70",options="header",width="100%"] |=== | Logical Command | Description

| hive/[InsertIntoHiveDirCommand] | [[InsertIntoHiveDirCommand]] When hive/[HiveAnalysis] logical resolution rule transforms InsertIntoDir with a Hive table

| InsertIntoDataSourceDirCommand | [[InsertIntoDataSourceDirCommand]] When DataSourceAnalysis logical resolution rule transforms InsertIntoDir with a Spark table


[[output]] InsertIntoDir has no output columns.

Creating Instance

InsertIntoDir takes the following to be created: