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FlatMapGroupsWithState Logical Operator

FlatMapGroupsWithState is a binary logical operator that represents the following KeyValueGroupedDataset high-level operators:


FlatMapGroupsWithState is a binary logical operator with two child operators:


FlatMapGroupsWithState is an ObjectProducer.

Creating Instance

FlatMapGroupsWithState takes the following to be created:

FlatMapGroupsWithState is created using apply factory.

Creating FlatMapGroupsWithState

apply[K: Encoder, V: Encoder, S: Encoder, U: Encoder](
  func: (Any, Iterator[Any], LogicalGroupState[Any]) => Iterator[Any],
  groupingAttributes: Seq[Attribute],
  dataAttributes: Seq[Attribute],
  outputMode: OutputMode,
  isMapGroupsWithState: Boolean,
  timeout: GroupStateTimeout,
  child: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan
apply[K: Encoder, V: Encoder, S: Encoder, U: Encoder](
  func: (Any, Iterator[Any], LogicalGroupState[Any]) => Iterator[Any],
  groupingAttributes: Seq[Attribute],
  dataAttributes: Seq[Attribute],
  outputMode: OutputMode,
  isMapGroupsWithState: Boolean,
  timeout: GroupStateTimeout,
  child: LogicalPlan,
  initialStateGroupAttrs: Seq[Attribute],
  initialStateDataAttrs: Seq[Attribute],
  initialState: LogicalPlan): LogicalPlan

apply creates a FlatMapGroupsWithState with the following:

In the end, apply creates a SerializeFromObject unary logical operator with the FlatMapGroupsWithState operator as the child.

apply is used for the following high-level operators:

Execution Planning

FlatMapGroupsWithState is planed as follows:

Physical Operator Execution Planning Strategy
FlatMapGroupsWithStateExec (Spark Structured Streaming) FlatMapGroupsWithStateStrategy (Spark Structured Streaming)
CoGroupExec or MapGroupsExec BasicOperators