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DescribeRelation Logical Command

DescribeRelation is a logical command that represents DESCRIBE TABLE SQL statement.


val table = "four"
val stmt = s"DESC TABLE EXTENDED $table"
scala> sql(stmt).show(truncate = false)
|col_name                    |data_type                                                     |comment|
|id                          |bigint                                                        |null   |
|                            |                                                              |       |
|# Detailed Table Information|                                                              |       |
|Database                    |default                                                       |       |
|Table                       |four                                                          |       |
|Owner                       |jacek                                                         |       |
|Created Time                |Sun Nov 08 11:49:04 CET 2020                                  |       |
|Last Access                 |UNKNOWN                                                       |       |
|Created By                  |Spark 3.0.1                                                   |       |
|Type                        |MANAGED                                                       |       |
|Provider                    |parquet                                                       |       |
|Statistics                  |2125 bytes                                                    |       |
|Location                    |file:/Users/jacek/dev/oss/spark/spark-warehouse/four          |       |
|Serde Library               |   |       |
|InputFormat                 | |       |
|OutputFormat                ||       |

Creating Instance

DescribeRelation takes the following to be created:

  • LogicalPlan
  • Partition Specification (Map[String, String])
  • isExtended flag

DescribeRelation is created when AstBuilder is requested to parse DESCRIBE TABLE statement.


DescribeRelation is resolved to a DescribeTableCommand logical operator with the following logical relations:

  • ResolvedTable leaf logical operators with V1Table tables
  • ResolvedView leaf logical operator

DescribeRelation is resolved by ResolveSessionCatalog logical analysis rule.

Execution Planning

DescribeRelation (with a ResolvedTable leaf logical operator) is planned to DescribeTableExec physical command.

DescribeRelation is planned by DataSourceV2Strategy execution planning strategy.