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DataWritingCommand Logical Commands

DataWritingCommand is an extension of the UnaryCommand abstraction for logical commands that write the result of a query (query data) to a relation (when executed).


Output Column Names

outputColumnNames: Seq[String]

The names of the output columns of the analyzed input query plan

Used when:


query: LogicalPlan

The analyzed LogicalPlan representing the data to write (i.e. whose result will be inserted into a relation)

Used when:

Executing Command

  sparkSession: SparkSession,
  child: SparkPlan): Seq[Row]

Used when:


Performance Metrics

DataWritingCommand's Performance Metrics

job commit time

number of dynamic part

Number of partitions (when processing write job statistics)

Corresponds to the number of times when newPartition of BasicWriteTaskStatsTracker was called (that is to announce the fact that a new partition is about to be written)

number of output rows

number of written files

task commit time

written output

Execution Planning

DataWritingCommand is resolved to a DataWritingCommandExec physical operator by BasicOperators execution planning strategy.


  hadoopConf: Configuration): BasicWriteJobStatsTracker // (1)!
  metrics: Map[String, SQLMetric],
  hadoopConf: Configuration): BasicWriteJobStatsTracker
  1. Uses the metrics

basicWriteJobStatsTracker creates a new BasicWriteJobStatsTracker (with the given Hadoop Configuration and the metrics).

basicWriteJobStatsTracker is used when: