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JsonUtils Helper Object

JsonUtils is a Scala object with <> for serializing and deserializing Kafka[TopicPartitions] to and from a single JSON text.

JsonUtils uses[json4s] library that provides a single AST with the Jackson parser for parsing to the AST (using json4s-jackson module).

[[methods]] .JsonUtils API [cols="1,2",options="header",width="100%"] |=== | Name | Description

| <> a| Deserializing partition offsets (i.e. offsets per Kafka TopicPartition) from JSON, e.g. {"topicA":{"0":23,"1":-1},"topicB":{"0":-2}}

[source, scala]

partitionOffsets(str: String): Map[TopicPartition, Long]

| <> a| Serializing partition offsets (i.e. offsets per Kafka TopicPartition) to JSON

[source, scala]

partitionOffsets(partitionOffsets: Map[TopicPartition, Long]): String

| <> a| Deserializing TopicPartitions from JSON, e.g. {"topicA":[0,1],"topicB":[0,1]}

[source, scala]

partitions(str: String): Array[TopicPartition]

| <> a| Serializing TopicPartitions to JSON

[source, scala]

partitions(partitions: Iterable[TopicPartition]): String


=== [[partitionOffsets-String-Map]] Deserializing Partition Offsets From JSON -- partitionOffsets Method

[source, scala]

partitionOffsets(str: String): Map[TopicPartition, Long]


partitionOffsets is used when:

=== [[partitionOffsets-Map-String]] Serializing Partition Offsets to JSON -- partitionOffsets Method

[source, scala]

partitionOffsets(partitionOffsets: Map[TopicPartition, Long]): String


NOTE: partitionOffsets is used when...FIXME

=== [[partitions-Iterable-String]] Serializing TopicPartitions to JSON -- partitions Method

[source, scala]

partitions(partitions: Iterable[TopicPartition]): String


NOTE: partitions seems not to be used.

=== [[partitions-String-Array]] Deserializing TopicPartitions from JSON -- partitions Method

[source, scala]

partitions(str: String): Array[TopicPartition]

partitions uses json4s-jakson's Serialization object to read a Map[String, Seq[Int] from the input string that represents a Map of topics and partition numbers, e.g. {"topicA":[0,1],"topicB":[0,1]}.

For every pair of topic and partition number, partitions creates a new Kafka[TopicPartition].

In case of any parsing issues, partitions throws a new IllegalArgumentException:

Expected e.g. {"topicA":[0,1],"topicB":[0,1]}, got [str]

partitions is used when KafkaSourceProvider is requested for a ConsumerStrategy (given assign option).