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InsertIntoHiveDirCommand Logical Command

:spark-version: 2.4.5 :hive-version: 2.3.6 :hadoop-version: 2.10.0 :url-hive-javadoc:{hive-version}/api :url-hadoop-javadoc:{hadoop-version}/api

InsertIntoHiveDirCommand is a[logical command] that writes the result of executing a <> to a Hadoop DFS location of a <>.

InsertIntoHiveDirCommand is <> when[HiveAnalysis] logical resolution rule is executed and resolves a ../[InsertIntoDir] logical operator with a Hive table.

[source, scala]

// // The example does NOT work when executed // "Data not in the BIGINT data type range so converted to null" // It is enough to show the InsertIntoHiveDirCommand operator though // assert(spark.version == "2.4.5")

val tableName = "insert_into_hive_dir_demo" sql(s"""CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS $tableName (id LONG) USING hive""")

val locationUri = spark.sharedState.externalCatalog.getTable("default", tableName).location.toString val q = sql(s"""INSERT OVERWRITE DIRECTORY '$locationUri' USING hive SELECT 1L AS id""") scala> q.explain(true) == Parsed Logical Plan == 'InsertIntoDir false, Storage(Location: hdfs://localhost:9000/user/hive/warehouse/insert_into_hive_dir_demo), hive, true +- Project [1 AS id#49L] +- OneRowRelation

== Analyzed Logical Plan == InsertIntoHiveDirCommand false, Storage(Location: hdfs://localhost:9000/user/hive/warehouse/insert_into_hive_dir_demo), true, [id] +- Project [1 AS id#49L] +- OneRowRelation

== Optimized Logical Plan == InsertIntoHiveDirCommand false, Storage(Location: hdfs://localhost:9000/user/hive/warehouse/insert_into_hive_dir_demo), true, [id] +- Project [1 AS id#49L] +- OneRowRelation

== Physical Plan == Execute InsertIntoHiveDirCommand InsertIntoHiveDirCommand false, Storage(Location: hdfs://localhost:9000/user/hive/warehouse/insert_into_hive_dir_demo), true, [id] +- *(1) Project [1 AS id#49L] +- Scan OneRowRelation[]

// FIXME Why does the following throw an exception? // spark.table(tableName)

Creating Instance

InsertIntoHiveDirCommand takes the following to be created:

  • [[isLocal]] isLocal Flag
  • [[storage]] CatalogStorageFormat
  • [[query]] Structured query (as a ../[LogicalPlan])
  • [[overwrite]] overwrite Flag
  • [[outputColumnNames]] Names of the output columns

=== [[run]] Executing Logical Command -- run Method

[source, scala]

run( sparkSession: SparkSession, child: SparkPlan): Seq[Row]

NOTE: run is part of DataWritingCommand contract.

run asserts that the table location of the CatalogStorageFormat is specified (or throws an AssertionError).

run makes sure that there are no duplicates among the given output columns.

run creates a CatalogTable for the table location (and the VIEW table type) and[converts it to a Hive Table metadata].

run specifies serialization.lib metadata to the serde of the given CatalogStorageFormat or LazySimpleSerDe if not defined.

run creates a new map-reduce job for execution (a Hadoop JobConf) with a new Hadoop Configuration (from the input SparkSession).

run prepares the path to write to (based on the given <> flag and creating it if necessary). run[getExternalTmpPath].

run saveAsHiveFile.

In the end, run[deleteExternalTmpPath].

In case of any error (Throwable), run throws an SparkException:

Failed inserting overwrite directory [locationUri]