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HiveSessionStateBuilder is a concrete ../[builder] to produce a Hive-aware ../[SessionState] for...FIXME

HiveSessionStateBuilder comes with Hive-specific <>, <>, <>, <> and <>.

.HiveSessionStateBuilder's Hive-Specific Properties image::../images/spark-sql-HiveSessionStateBuilder.png[align="center"]

HiveSessionStateBuilder is <> (using <>) when...FIXME

.HiveSessionStateBuilder and SessionState (in SparkSession) image::../images/spark-sql-HiveSessionStateBuilder-SessionState.png[align="center"]

[[properties]] .HiveSessionStateBuilder's Properties [cols="1,2",options="header",width="100%"] |=== | Name | Description

| <> a| [[analyzer]] Hive-specific logical query plan analyzer with the Hive-specific rules.

| catalog a| [[catalog]] HiveSessionCatalog with the following:

  • <>
  • ../[GlobalTempViewManager] from the session-specific SharedState
  • New[HiveMetastoreCatalog]
  • ../[FunctionRegistry]
  • ../[SQLConf]
  • New Hadoop ../[Configuration]
  • ../[ParserInterface]
  • <>

NOTE: If <> is defined, the state is copied to catalog

Used to create <> and a[RelationConversions] logical evaluation rule (as part of <>)

| externalCatalog | [[externalCatalog]] HiveExternalCatalog

| <> | [[planner]] SparkPlanner with <>.

| resourceLoader | [[resourceLoader]] HiveSessionResourceLoader |===

=== [[planner-indepth]] SparkPlanner with Hive-Specific Strategies -- planner Property

[source, scala]

planner: SparkPlanner

NOTE: planner is part of ../[BaseSessionStateBuilder Contract] to create a query planner.

planner is a SparkPlanner with...FIXME

planner uses the <>.

[[planner-strategies]] .Hive-Specific SparkPlanner's Hive-Specific Strategies [cols="30m,70",options="header",width="100%"] |=== | Strategy | Description

|[HiveTableScans] | [[HiveTableScans]] Replaces[HiveTableRelation] logical operators with[HiveTableScanExec] physical operators

| Scripts | [[Scripts]] |===

=== [[analyzer-indepth]] Logical Query Plan Analyzer with Hive-Specific Rules -- analyzer Property

analyzer: Analyzer

analyzer is a Logical Analyzer with <> (and ../[SQLConf]).

analyzer uses the Hive-specific <>, <> and <> rules.

analyzer is part of the BaseSessionStateBuilder abstraction.

[[extendedResolutionRules]] .Hive-Specific Analyzer's Extended Resolution Rules (in the order of execution) [cols="1,2",options="header",width="100%"] |=== | Logical Rule | Description

| ResolveHiveSerdeTable | [[ResolveHiveSerdeTable]]

| FindDataSourceTable | [[FindDataSourceTable]]

| ResolveSQLOnFile | [[ResolveSQLOnFile]]


[[postHocResolutionRules]] .Hive-Specific Analyzer's PostHoc Resolution Rules [cols="1,2",options="header",width="100%"] |=== | Logical Rule | Description

[[PreprocessTableCreation]] PreprocessTableCreation
[[PreprocessTableInsertion]] PreprocessTableInsertion
[[DataSourceAnalysis]] .DataSourceAnalysis

[[extendedCheckRules]] .Hive-Specific Analyzer's Extended Check Rules [cols="1,2",options="header",width="100%"] |=== | Logical Rule | Description

[[PreWriteCheck]] PreWriteCheck
[[PreReadCheck]] PreReadCheck

=== [[creating-instance]] Creating HiveSessionStateBuilder Instance

HiveSessionStateBuilder takes the following when created:

  • [[session]] ../[SparkSession]
  • [[parentState]] Optional ../[SessionState] (default: None)

=== [[newBuilder]] Builder Function to Create HiveSessionStateBuilder -- newBuilder Method

[source, scala]

newBuilder: (SparkSession, Option[SessionState]) => BaseSessionStateBuilder

NOTE: newBuilder is part of ../[BaseSessionStateBuilder] contract to...FIXME.
