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UserDefinedAggregator[IN, BUF, OUT] is a UserDefinedFunction that uses ScalaAggregator for execution.

UserDefinedAggregator is created using udaf standard function.

Creating Instance

UserDefinedAggregator takes the following to be created:

UserDefinedAggregator is created using udaf standard function.

Creating Column (for Function Execution)

  exprs: Column*): Column

apply is part of the UserDefinedFunction abstraction.

apply creates a Column with an AggregateExpression with the following:

  • ScalaAggregator aggregate function
  • Complete aggregate mode
  • isDistinct flag disabled (false)

Creating ScalaAggregator

  exprs: Seq[Expression]): ScalaAggregator[IN, BUF, OUT]

scalaAggregator assumes the following are all ExpressionEncoders:

  1. Input Encoder (of INs)
  2. Buffer Encoder (of BUFs) of the Aggregator

In the end, scalaAggregator creates a ScalaAggregator.

scalaAggregator is used when:

Creates Named UserDefinedAggregator

  name: String): UserDefinedAggregator[IN, BUF, OUT]

withName is part of the UserDefinedFunction abstraction.

withName creates a copy of this UserDefinedAggregator to use the given name as the name.