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ScalaAggregator[IN, BUF, OUT] is a TypedImperativeAggregate (of BUF values).

ScalaAggregator is a UserDefinedExpression.

Creating Instance

ScalaAggregator takes the following to be created:

  • Children Expressions
  • Aggregator
  • Input ExpressionEncoder (of INs)
  • Buffer ExpressionEncoder (of BUFs)
  • nullable flag (default: false)
  • isDeterministic flag (default: true)
  • mutableAggBufferOffset (default: 0)
  • inputAggBufferOffset (default: 0)
  • Aggregator Name (default: undefined)

ScalaAggregator is created when:


ScalaAggregator is given an Aggregator when created.

ScalaAggregator Aggregator
outputEncoder outputEncoder
createAggregationBuffer zero
update reduce
merge merge
Interpreted Execution finish
name Simple class name

Interpreted Execution

  buffer: BUF): Any

eval is part of the TypedImperativeAggregate abstraction.

eval requests the Aggregator to finish with the given (reduction) buffer.

eval requests the outputSerializer to convert the result (of type OUT to an InternalRow).

In the end, eval returns one of the following:

Logical Analysis

The input and buffer encoders are resolved and bound using ResolveEncodersInScalaAgg logical resolution rule.

Execution Planning

ScalaAggregator (as a TypedImperativeAggregate) uses aggBufferAttributes with BinaryType.

BinaryType is among unsupported types of HashAggregateExec and makes the physical operator out of scope for aggregation planning.

Because of this BinaryType (in an aggregation buffer) ScalaAggregator will always be planned as ObjectHashAggregateExec or SortAggregateExec physical operators.