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SizeInBytesOnlyStatsPlanVisitor — LogicalPlanVisitor for Total Size (in Bytes) Statistic Only

SizeInBytesOnlyStatsPlanVisitor is a LogicalPlanVisitor that computes a single dimension for plan statistics, i.e. the total size (in bytes).

=== [[default]] default Method

[source, scala]

default(p: LogicalPlan): Statistics

default requests a[leaf logical operator] for the statistics or creates a Statistics with the product of the sizeInBytes statistic of every child operator.

NOTE: default uses the cache of the estimated statistics of a logical operator so the statistics of an operator is computed once until it is invalidated.

default is part of the LogicalPlanVisitor abstraction.

=== [[visitIntersect]] visitIntersect Method

[source, scala]

visitIntersect(p: Intersect): Statistics


visitIntersect is part of the LogicalPlanVisitor abstraction.

=== [[visitJoin]] visitJoin Method

[source, scala]

visitJoin(p: Join): Statistics


visitJoin is part of the LogicalPlanVisitor abstraction.