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BasicStatsPlanVisitor — Computing Statistics for Cost-Based Optimization

BasicStatsPlanVisitor is a LogicalPlanVisitor that computes the statistics of a logical query plan in Cost-Based Optimization.

BasicStatsPlanVisitor is used exclusively when a logical operator is requested for the statistics with cost-based optimization enabled.

BasicStatsPlanVisitor comes with custom handlers for a few logical operators and falls back to SizeInBytesOnlyStatsPlanVisitor for the others.

Visitor Handlers

Logical Operator Handler Behaviour
Aggregate visitAggregate Requests AggregateEstimation for statistics estimates and query hints or falls back to SizeInBytesOnlyStatsPlanVisitor
Filter visitFilter Requests FilterEstimation for statistics estimates and query hints or falls back to SizeInBytesOnlyStatsPlanVisitor
Join visitJoin Requests JoinEstimation for statistics estimates and query hints or falls back to SizeInBytesOnlyStatsPlanVisitor
Project visitProject Requests ProjectEstimation for statistics estimates and query hints or falls back to SizeInBytesOnlyStatsPlanVisitor