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Load Table

  catalog: CatalogPlugin,
  ident: Identifier,
  timeTravelSpec: Option[TimeTravelSpec] = None,
  writePrivilegesString: Option[String] = None): Option[Table]

loadTable loads a table (by the given Identifier and the optional TimeTravelSpec using the given CatalogPlugin).


loadTable is a Scala Option-aware wrapper around CatalogV2Util.getTable.

loadTable is used when:

Load Table

  catalog: CatalogPlugin,
  ident: Identifier,
  timeTravelSpec: Option[TimeTravelSpec] = None,
  writePrivilegesString: Option[String] = None): Table

getTable assumes the given CatalogPlugin to be a TableCatalog to load a table (by the given Identifier).

getTable requests the given CatalogPlugin for the TableCatalog to load a table (possibly versioned based on the TimeTravelSpec).


It is not allowed for getTable to be called with both timeTravelSpec and writePrivilegesString defined.

NoSuchTableException for versioned tables

TableCatalog throws a NoSuchTableException exception for versioned tables by default (and leaves other behaviour to custom TableCatalogs, e.g. Delta Lake).

getTable is used when:


  provider: SupportsCatalogOptions,
  catalogManager: CatalogManager,
  options: CaseInsensitiveStringMap): TableCatalog


getTableProviderCatalog is used when:

  • DataFrameReader is requested to load (for a data source that is a [SupportsCatalogOptions])

  • DataFrameWriter is requested to save (for a data source that is a [SupportsCatalogOptions])

Creating AlterTable Logical Command

  originalNameParts: Seq[String],
  catalog: CatalogPlugin,
  tableName: Seq[String],
  changes: Seq[TableChange]): AlterTable

createAlterTable converts the CatalogPlugin to a TableCatalog.

createAlterTable creates an AlterTable (with an UnresolvedV2Relation).

createAlterTable is used when:

  • ResolveCatalogs and ResolveSessionCatalog logical resolution rules are executed (and resolve AlterTableAddColumnsStatement, AlterTableReplaceColumnsStatement, AlterTableAlterColumnStatement, AlterTableRenameColumnStatement, AlterTableDropColumnsStatement, AlterTableSetPropertiesStatement, AlterTableUnsetPropertiesStatement, AlterTableSetLocationStatement operators)