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QueryPlanner <>, i.e. converts a[logical plan] to one or more[physical plans] using <>.

NOTE: QueryPlanner <> at least one physical plan.

QueryPlanner's main method is <> that defines the extension points, i.e. <>, <> and <>.

QueryPlanner is part of Catalyst Framework.

=== [[contract]] QueryPlanner Contract

[source, scala]

abstract class QueryPlanner[PhysicalPlan <: TreeNode[PhysicalPlan]] { def collectPlaceholders(plan: PhysicalPlan): Seq[(PhysicalPlan, LogicalPlan)] def prunePlans(plans: Iterator[PhysicalPlan]): Iterator[PhysicalPlan] def strategies: Seq[GenericStrategy[PhysicalPlan]] }

.QueryPlanner Contract [cols="1,2",options="header",width="100%"] |=== | Method | Description

| [[strategies]] strategies | GenericStrategy planning strategies

Used exclusively as an extension point in <>.

| [[collectPlaceholders]] collectPlaceholders | Collection of "placeholder" physical plans and the corresponding[logical plans].

Used exclusively as an extension point in <>.

Overriden in SparkPlanner

| [[prunePlans]] prunePlans | Prunes physical plans (e.g. bad or somehow incorrect plans).

Used exclusively as an extension point in <>. |===

=== [[plan]] Planning Logical Plan -- plan Method

[source, scala]

plan(plan: LogicalPlan): Iterator[PhysicalPlan]

plan converts the input plan[logical plan] to zero or more PhysicalPlan plans.

Internally, plan applies <> to the input plan (one by one collecting all as the plan candidates).

plan then walks over the plan candidates to <>.

If a plan does not contain a placeholder, the plan is returned as is. Otherwise, plan walks over placeholders (as pairs of PhysicalPlan and unplanned[logical plan]) and (recursively) <> the child logical plan. plan then replaces the placeholders with the planned child logical plan.

In the end, plan <>.

NOTE: plan is used exclusively (through the concrete SparkPlanner) when a QueryExecution is requested for a physical plan.