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QueryPlan — Structured Query Plan

QueryPlan is an extension of the TreeNode abstraction for query plans in Catalyst Framework.

QueryPlan is used to build a tree of relational operators of a structured query. QueryPlan is a tree of (logical or physical) operators that have a tree of expressions.

QueryPlan has an output attributes, expressions and a schema.

QueryPlan has statePrefix that is used when displaying a plan with ! to indicate an invalid plan, and ' to indicate an unresolved plan.

A QueryPlan is invalid if there are missing input attributes and children subnodes are non-empty.

A QueryPlan is unresolved if the column names have not been verified and column types have not been looked up in the Catalog.


Output (Schema) Attributes

output: Seq[Attribute]

Output Attributes

val q = spark.range(3)

scala> q.queryExecution.analyzed.output
res0: Seq[org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Attribute] = List(id#0L)

scala> q.queryExecution.withCachedData.output
res1: Seq[org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Attribute] = List(id#0L)

scala> q.queryExecution.optimizedPlan.output
res2: Seq[org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Attribute] = List(id#0L)

scala> q.queryExecution.sparkPlan.output
res3: Seq[org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Attribute] = List(id#0L)

scala> q.queryExecution.executedPlan.output
res4: Seq[org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.Attribute] = List(id#0L)


You can build a StructType from output attributes using toStructType.

scala> q.queryExecution.analyzed.output.toStructType
res5: org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType = StructType(StructField(id,LongType,false))



expressions: Seq[Expression]

expressions is all of the expressions present in this query plan operator.

Expression References

references: AttributeSet
Lazy Value

references is a Scala lazy value to guarantee that the code to initialize it is executed once only (when accessed for the first time) and the computed value never changes afterwards.

Learn more in the Scala Language Specification.

references is an AttributeSet of all the Attributes that are referenced by the expressions of this operator (except the produced attributes).

references is used when:

Transforming Expressions

  rule: PartialFunction[Expression, Expression]): this.type

transformExpressions executes transformExpressionsDown with the input rule.

transformExpressions is used when...FIXME

Transforming Expressions (Down The Tree)

  rule: PartialFunction[Expression, Expression]): this.type

transformExpressionsDown applies the given rule to each expression in the query operator.

transformExpressionsDown is used when...FIXME

Output Schema Attribute Set

outputSet: AttributeSet

outputSet simply returns an AttributeSet for the output attributes.

outputSet is used when...FIXME

Missing Input Attributes

missingInput: AttributeSet

missingInput are attributes that are referenced in expressions but not provided by this node's children (as inputSet) and are not produced by this node (as producedAttributes).

Output Schema

You can request the schema of a QueryPlan using schema that builds StructType from the output attributes.

// the query
val dataset = spark.range(3)

scala> dataset.queryExecution.analyzed.schema
res6: org.apache.spark.sql.types.StructType = StructType(StructField(id,LongType,false))

Simple (Basic) Description with State Prefix

simpleString: String

simpleString adds a state prefix to the node's simple text description.

simpleString is part of the TreeNode abstraction.

State Prefix

statePrefix: String

Internally, statePrefix gives ! (exclamation mark) when the node is invalid, i.e. missingInput is not empty, and the node is a parent node. Otherwise, statePrefix gives an empty string.

statePrefix is used when QueryPlan is requested for the simple text node description.

Simple (Basic) Description with State Prefix

verboseString: String

verboseString simply returns the simple (basic) description with state prefix.

verboseString is part of the TreeNode abstraction.


innerChildren: Seq[QueryPlan[_]]

innerChildren simply returns the subqueries.

innerChildren is part of the TreeNode abstraction.


subqueries: Seq[PlanType]


subqueries is used when...FIXME


simpleStringWithNodeId(): String

simpleStringWithNodeId is part of the TreeNode abstraction.

simpleStringWithNodeId finds the operatorId tag or defaults to unknown.

simpleStringWithNodeId uses the nodeName to return the following text:

[nodeName] ([operatorId])


append[T <: QueryPlan[T]](
  plan: => QueryPlan[T],
  append: String => Unit,
  verbose: Boolean,
  addSuffix: Boolean,
  maxFields: Int = SQLConf.get.maxToStringFields,
  printOperatorId: Boolean = false): Unit


append is used when:

Detailed Description (with Operator Id)

verboseStringWithOperatorId(): String

verboseStringWithOperatorId returns the following text (with spark.sql.debug.maxToStringFields configuration property for the number of arguments to this node, if there are any, and the formatted node name):

Arguments: [argumentString]

verboseStringWithOperatorId is used when:

  • QueryExecution is requested for simple description (and ExplainUtils utility is requested to processPlanSkippingSubqueries)

Formatted Node Name

formattedNodeName: String


formattedNodeName is used when:


  cond: TreePatternBits => Boolean,
  ruleId: RuleId = UnknownRuleId)(
  rule: PartialFunction[Expression, Expression]): this.type


transformAllExpressionsWithPruning is used when:

  • QueryPlan is requested for transformAllExpressions and normalizeExpressions
  • AnalysisHelper is requested to transformAllExpressionsWithPruning
  • PlanSubqueries physical optimization is executed
  • PlanDynamicPruningFilters physical optimization is executed
  • PlanAdaptiveDynamicPruningFilters physical optimization is executed
  • PlanAdaptiveSubqueries physical optimization is executed
  • ReuseAdaptiveSubquery physical optimization is executed

Produced Attributes

producedAttributes: AttributeSet

producedAttributes is empty (and can be overriden by implementations).

producedAttributes is used when:

  • NestedColumnAliasing is requested to unapply (destructure a logical operator)
  • QueryPlan is requested for the references

Output Data Ordering Requirements

outputOrdering: Seq[SortOrder]

outputOrdering specifies the Output Data Ordering Requirements of this operator (as SortOrders):

outputOrdering defaults to no ordering (Nil).

outputOrdering is used when: