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AvroOptions represents the <> of the Avro data source.

[[options]] .Options for Avro Data Source [cols="1m,1,2",options="header",width="100%"] |=== | Option / Key | Default Value | Description

| avroSchema | (undefined) | [[avroSchema]] Avro schema in JSON format

| compression | (undefined) a| [[compression]] Specifies the compression codec to use when writing Avro data to disk


If the option is not defined explicitly, Avro data source uses spark.sql.avro.compression.codec configuration property.

| ignoreExtension | false a| [[ignoreExtension]] Controls whether Avro data source should read all Avro files regardless of their extension (true) or not (false)

By default, Avro data source reads only files with .avro file extension.

NOTE: If the option is not defined explicitly, Avro data source uses avro.mapred.ignore.inputs.without.extension Hadoop runtime property.

| recordName | topLevelRecord | [[recordName]] Top-level record name when writing Avro data to disk

Consult[Apache Avro™ 1.8.2 Specification]

| recordNamespace | (empty) | [[recordNamespace]] Record namespace when writing Avro data to disk

Consult[Apache Avro™ 1.8.2 Specification] |===

NOTE: The <> are case-insensitive.

Creating Instance

AvroOptions takes the following when created:

AvroOptions is created when AvroFileFormat is requested to inferSchema, prepareWrite and buildReader.