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Aggregate Queries

Aggregate Queries (Aggregates) are structured queries with Aggregate logical operator.

Aggregate Queries calculate single value for a set of rows.

Aggregate Queries can be broken down to the following sections:

  1. Grouping (using GROUP BY clause in SQL or Dataset.groupBy operator) that arranges rows into groups (possibly guarded by HAVING SQL clause)
  2. Aggregation (using Aggregate Functions) to apply to a set of rows and calculate single values per groups

Whole-Stage Code Generation

Whole-Stage Code Generation is supported by AggregateCodegenSupport physical operators only with supportCodegen flag enabled.

Adaptive Query Execution

Adaptive Query Execution uses ReplaceHashWithSortAgg physical optimization among the queryStagePreparationRules.

Configuration Properties

Aggregate Queries can be fine-tuned with the following configuration properties:

High-Level Operators

Aggregate is a logical representation of the high-level operators in SQL or Dataset API.


Aggregate represents the following SQL clauses:


Aggregate represents the following high-level operators in Dataset API:

Group Types

GroupType indicates the kind of an aggregation.






UnsupportedOperationChecker is responsible for asserting correctness of aggregation queries (among others).

FIXME List unsupported features

Basic Aggregation

Basic Aggregation calculates aggregates over a group of rows using aggregate operators (possibly with aggregate functions).

Multi-Dimensional Aggregation

Multi-Dimensional Aggregate Operators are variants of groupBy operator to create queries for subtotals, grand totals and superset of subtotals in one go.

It is assumed that using one of the operators is usually more efficient (than union and groupBy) as it gives more freedom for query optimization.

Beside Dataset.cube and Dataset.rollup operators, Spark SQL supports GROUPING SETS clause in SQL mode only.


Support for multi-dimensional aggregate operators was added in [SPARK-6356] Support the ROLLUP/CUBE/GROUPING SETS/grouping() in SQLContext.

Aggregate Operators


Aggregates over (applies an aggregate function on) a subset of or the entire Dataset (i.e., considering the entire data set as one group)

Creates a RelationalGroupedDataset


Dataset.agg is simply a shortcut for Dataset.groupBy().agg.


  cols: Column*): RelationalGroupedDataset
  col1: String,
  cols: String*): RelationalGroupedDataset
GROUP BY expressions WITH CUBE
GROUP BY CUBE(expressions)

cube multi-dimensional aggregate operator returns a RelationalGroupedDataset to calculate subtotals and a grand total for every permutation of the columns specified.

cube is an extension of groupBy operator that allows calculating subtotals and a grand total across all combinations of specified group of n + 1 dimensions (with n being the number of columns as cols and col1 and 1 for where values become null, i.e. undefined).

cube returns RelationalGroupedDataset that you can use to execute aggregate function or operator.

cube vs rollup

cube is more than rollup operator, i.e. cube does rollup with aggregation over all the missing combinations given the columns.


Groups the rows in a Dataset by columns (as Column expressions or names).

Creates a RelationalGroupedDataset

Used for untyped aggregates using DataFrames. Grouping is described using column expressions or column names.


Groups records (of type T) by the input func and creates a KeyValueGroupedDataset to apply aggregation to.

Used for typed aggregates using Datasets with records grouped by a key-defining discriminator function

import org.apache.spark.sql.expressions.scalalang._
val q = dataset
  .toDF("productId", "sum")
  .as[(Timestamp, Long)]
  .groupByKey { case (ts, v) => v % 2 }


GROUP BY (expressions) GROUPING SETS (expressions)


SQL's GROUPING SETS is the most general aggregate "operator" and can generate the same dataset as using a simple groupBy, cube and rollup operators.

import java.time.LocalDate
import java.sql.Date
val expenses = Seq(
  ((2012, Month.DECEMBER, 12), 5),
  ((2016, Month.AUGUST, 13), 10),
  ((2017, Month.MAY, 27), 15))
  .map { case ((yy, mm, dd), a) => (LocalDate.of(yy, mm, dd), a) }
  .map { case (d, a) => (d.toString, a) }
  .map { case (d, a) => (Date.valueOf(d), a) }
  .toDF("date", "amount")
|      date|amount|
|2012-12-12|     5|
|2016-08-13|    10|
|2017-05-27|    15|

// rollup time!
val q = expenses
  .rollup(year($"date") as "year", month($"date") as "month")
  .agg(sum("amount") as "amount")
  .sort($"year".asc_nulls_last, $"month".asc_nulls_last)
|2012|   12|     5|
|2012| null|     5|
|2016|    8|    10|
|2016| null|    10|
|2017|    5|    15|
|2017| null|    15|
|null| null|    30|

GROUPING SETS clause generates a dataset that is equivalent to union operator of multiple groupBy operators.

val sales = Seq(
  ("Warsaw", 2016, 100),
  ("Warsaw", 2017, 200),
  ("Boston", 2015, 50),
  ("Boston", 2016, 150),
  ("Toronto", 2017, 50)
).toDF("city", "year", "amount")

// equivalent to rollup("city", "year")
val q = sql("""
  SELECT city, year, sum(amount) as amount
  FROM sales
  GROUP BY city, year
  GROUPING SETS ((city, year), (city), ())
|   city|year|amount|
| Warsaw|2016|   100|
| Warsaw|2017|   200|
| Warsaw|null|   300|
|Toronto|2017|    50|
|Toronto|null|    50|
| Boston|2015|    50|
| Boston|2016|   150|
| Boston|null|   200|
|   null|null|   550|  <-- grand total across all cities and years

// equivalent to cube("city", "year")
// note the additional (year) grouping set
val q = sql("""
  SELECT city, year, sum(amount) as amount
  FROM sales
  GROUP BY city, year
  GROUPING SETS ((city, year), (city), (year), ())
|   city|year|amount|
| Warsaw|2016|   100|
| Warsaw|2017|   200|
| Warsaw|null|   300|
|Toronto|2017|    50|
|Toronto|null|    50|
| Boston|2015|    50|
| Boston|2016|   150|
| Boston|null|   200|
|   null|2015|    50|  <-- total across all cities in 2015
|   null|2016|   250|  <-- total across all cities in 2016
|   null|2017|   250|  <-- total across all cities in 2017
|   null|null|   550|

GROUPING SETS clause is parsed in withAggregation parsing handler (in AstBuilder) and becomes a GroupingSets logical operator internally.


  cols: Column*): RelationalGroupedDataset
  col1: String,
  cols: String*): RelationalGroupedDataset
GROUP BY ROLLUP(expressions)

rollup gives a RelationalGroupedDataset to calculate subtotals and a grand total over (ordered) combination of groups.

rollup is an extension of groupBy operator that calculates subtotals and a grand total across specified group of n + 1 dimensions (with n being the number of columns as cols and col1 and 1 for where values become null, i.e. undefined).


rollup operator is commonly used for analysis over hierarchical data; e.g. total salary by department, division, and company-wide total.

See PostgreSQL's[7.2.4. GROUPING SETS, CUBE, and ROLLUP]


rollup operator is equivalent to GROUP BY \... WITH ROLLUP in SQL (which in turn is equivalent to GROUP BY \... GROUPING SETS \((a,b,c),(a,b),(a),()) when used with 3 columns: a, b, and c).

From Using GROUP BY with ROLLUP, CUBE, and GROUPING SETS in Microsoft's TechNet:

The ROLLUP, CUBE, and GROUPING SETS operators are extensions of the GROUP BY clause. The ROLLUP, CUBE, or GROUPING SETS operators can generate the same result set as when you use UNION ALL to combine single grouping queries; however, using one of the GROUP BY operators is usually more efficient.

From PostgreSQL's 7.2.4. GROUPING SETS, CUBE, and ROLLUP:

References to the grouping columns or expressions are replaced by null values in result rows for grouping sets in which those columns do not appear.

From Summarizing Data Using ROLLUP in Microsoft's TechNet:

The ROLLUP operator is useful in generating reports that contain subtotals and totals. (...) ROLLUP generates a result set that shows aggregates for a hierarchy of values in the selected columns.

// Borrowed from Microsoft's "Summarizing Data Using ROLLUP" article
val inventory = Seq(
  ("table", "blue", 124),
  ("table", "red", 223),
  ("chair", "blue", 101),
  ("chair", "red", 210)).toDF("item", "color", "quantity")

| item|color|quantity|
|chair| blue|     101|
|chair|  red|     210|
|table| blue|     124|
|table|  red|     223|

// ordering and empty rows done manually for demo purposes
scala> inventory.rollup("item", "color").sum().show
| item|color|sum(quantity)|
|chair| blue|          101|
|chair|  red|          210|
|chair| null|          311|
|     |     |             |
|table| blue|          124|
|table|  red|          223|
|table| null|          347|
|     |     |             |
| null| null|          658|

From Hive's Cubes and Rollups:

WITH ROLLUP is used with the GROUP BY only. ROLLUP clause is used with GROUP BY to compute the aggregate at the hierarchy levels of a dimension.

GROUP BY a, b, c with ROLLUP assumes that the hierarchy is "a" drilling down to "b" drilling down to "c".

GROUP BY a, b, c, WITH ROLLUP is equivalent to GROUP BY a, b, c GROUPING SETS ( (a, b, c), (a, b), (a), ( )).


Read up on ROLLUP in Hive's LanguageManual in Grouping Sets, Cubes, Rollups, and the GROUPING__ID Function.

// Borrowed from
val quarterlyScores = Seq(
  ("winter2014", "Agata", 99),
  ("winter2014", "Jacek", 97),
  ("summer2015", "Agata", 100),
  ("summer2015", "Jacek", 63),
  ("winter2015", "Agata", 97),
  ("winter2015", "Jacek", 55),
  ("summer2016", "Agata", 98),
  ("summer2016", "Jacek", 97)).toDF("period", "student", "score")

|    period|student|score|
|winter2014|  Agata|   99|
|winter2014|  Jacek|   97|
|summer2015|  Agata|  100|
|summer2015|  Jacek|   63|
|winter2015|  Agata|   97|
|winter2015|  Jacek|   55|
|summer2016|  Agata|   98|
|summer2016|  Jacek|   97|

// ordering and empty rows done manually for demo purposes
scala> quarterlyScores.rollup("period", "student").sum("score").show
|    period|student|sum(score)|
|winter2014|  Agata|        99|
|winter2014|  Jacek|        97|
|winter2014|   null|       196|
|          |       |          |
|summer2015|  Agata|       100|
|summer2015|  Jacek|        63|
|summer2015|   null|       163|
|          |       |          |
|winter2015|  Agata|        97|
|winter2015|  Jacek|        55|
|winter2015|   null|       152|
|          |       |          |
|summer2016|  Agata|        98|
|summer2016|  Jacek|        97|
|summer2016|   null|       195|
|          |       |          |
|      null|   null|       706|

From PostgreSQL's 7.2.4. GROUPING SETS, CUBE, and ROLLUP:

The individual elements of a CUBE or ROLLUP clause may be either individual expressions, or sublists of elements in parentheses. In the latter case, the sublists are treated as single units for the purposes of generating the individual grouping sets.

// using struct function
scala> inventory.rollup(struct("item", "color") as "(item,color)").sum().show
| [table,red]|          223|
|[chair,blue]|          101|
|        null|          658|
| [chair,red]|          210|
|[table,blue]|          124|
// using expr function
scala> inventory.rollup(expr("(item, color)") as "(item, color)").sum().show
|(item, color)|sum(quantity)|
|  [table,red]|          223|
| [chair,blue]|          101|
|         null|          658|
|  [chair,red]|          210|
| [table,blue]|          124|

Internally, rollup converts the Dataset into a DataFrame and then creates a RelationalGroupedDataset (with RollupType group type).

Catalyst DSL

Catalyst DSL defines groupBy operator to create aggregation queries.

Aggregate Query Execution

Logical Analysis

The following logical analysis rules handle Aggregate logical operator:

Logical Optimizations

The following logical optimizations handle Aggregate logical operator:

Cost-Based Optimization

Aggregate operators are handled by BasicStatsPlanVisitor for visitDistinct and visitAggregate


PushDownPredicate logical plan optimization applies so-called filter pushdown to a Pivot operator when under Filter operator and with all expressions deterministic.

import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.optimizer.PushDownPredicate

val q = visits
  .where($"city" === "Boston")

val pivotPlanAnalyzed = q.queryExecution.analyzed
scala> println(pivotPlanAnalyzed.numberedTreeString)
00 Filter (city#8 = Boston)
01 +- Project [city#8, __pivot_count(1) AS `count` AS `count(1) AS ``count```#142[0] AS 2015#143L, __pivot_count(1) AS `count` AS `count(1) AS ``count```#142[1] AS 2016#144L, __pivot_count(1) AS `count` AS `count(1) AS ``count```#142[2] AS 2017#145L]
02    +- Aggregate [city#8], [city#8, pivotfirst(year#9, count(1) AS `count`#134L, 2015, 2016, 2017, 0, 0) AS __pivot_count(1) AS `count` AS `count(1) AS ``count```#142]
03       +- Aggregate [city#8, year#9], [city#8, year#9, count(1) AS count(1) AS `count`#134L]
04          +- Project [_1#3 AS id#7, _2#4 AS city#8, _3#5 AS year#9]
05             +- LocalRelation [_1#3, _2#4, _3#5]

val afterPushDown = PushDownPredicate(pivotPlanAnalyzed)
scala> println(afterPushDown.numberedTreeString)
00 Project [city#8, __pivot_count(1) AS `count` AS `count(1) AS ``count```#142[0] AS 2015#143L, __pivot_count(1) AS `count` AS `count(1) AS ``count```#142[1] AS 2016#144L, __pivot_count(1) AS `count` AS `count(1) AS ``count```#142[2] AS 2017#145L]
01 +- Aggregate [city#8], [city#8, pivotfirst(year#9, count(1) AS `count`#134L, 2015, 2016, 2017, 0, 0) AS __pivot_count(1) AS `count` AS `count(1) AS ``count```#142]
02    +- Aggregate [city#8, year#9], [city#8, year#9, count(1) AS count(1) AS `count`#134L]
03       +- Project [_1#3 AS id#7, _2#4 AS city#8, _3#5 AS year#9]
04          +- Filter (_2#4 = Boston)
05             +- LocalRelation [_1#3, _2#4, _3#5]

Physical Optimizations

The following physical optimizations use Aggregate logical operator:


ReplaceHashWithSortAgg physical optimization can replace HashAggregateExec and ObjectHashAggregateExec physical operators with SortAggregateExec when executed with spark.sql.execution.replaceHashWithSortAgg configuration property and some sorting requirements are met.

Query Planning

Aggregation execution planning strategy is used to plan Aggregate logical operators for execution as one of the available BaseAggregateExec physical operators:


Demo: Mult-Dimensional Aggregations