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ScalaReflection is the contract and the only implementation of the contract with...FIXME

=== [[serializerFor]] serializerFor Object Method

[source, scala]

serializerForT : TypeTag: CreateNamedStruct

serializerFor firstly finds the <> the input type T and then the <>.

serializerFor uses the <> with the input inputObject expression, the tpe type and the walkedTypePath with the class name found earlier (of the input type T).

- root class: "[clsName]"

In the end, serializerFor returns one of the following:

  • The <> expression from the false value of the If expression returned only if the type T is <>

  • Creates a <> expression with the <> with the <> as "value" and the expression returned

[source, scala]

import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.lit val inputObject = lit(1).expr

import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.ScalaReflection val serializer = ScalaReflection.serializerFor(inputObject) scala> println(serializer) named_struct(value, 1)

NOTE: serializerFor is used when...FIXME

==== [[serializerFor-internal]] serializerFor Internal Method

[source, scala]

serializerFor( inputObject: Expression, tpe: Type, walkedTypePath: Seq[String], seenTypeSet: Set[Type] = Set.empty): Expression


NOTE: serializerFor is used exclusively when ScalaReflection is requested to <>.

=== [[serializerFor]][[ScalaReflection-serializerFor]] Creating Serialize Expression -- ScalaReflection.serializerFor Method

[source, scala]

serializerForT: TypeTag: CreateNamedStruct

serializerFor creates a <> expression to serialize a Scala object of type T to InternalRow.

import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.ScalaReflection.serializerFor

import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.expressions.BoundReference
import org.apache.spark.sql.types.TimestampType
val boundRef = BoundReference(ordinal = 0, dataType = TimestampType, nullable = true)

val timestampSerExpr = serializerFor[java.sql.Timestamp](boundRef)
scala> println(timestampSerExpr.numberedTreeString)
00 named_struct(value, input[0, timestamp, true])
01 :- value
02 +- input[0, timestamp, true]

Internally, serializerFor calls the recursive internal variant of <> with a single-element walked type path with - root class: "[clsName]" and pattern match on the result expressions/[expression].

CAUTION: FIXME the pattern match part

TIP: Read up on Scala's TypeTags in[TypeTags and Manifests].

NOTE: serializerFor is used exclusively when ExpressionEncoder <> for a Scala type T.

==== [[serializerFor-recursive]] Recursive Internal serializerFor Method

[source, scala]

serializerFor( inputObject: Expression, tpe: Type, walkedTypePath: Seq[String], seenTypeSet: Set[Type] = Set.empty): Expression

serializerFor creates an expressions/[expression] for serializing an object of type T to an internal row.


=== [[deserializerFor]][[ScalaReflection-deserializerFor]] Creating Deserialize Expression -- ScalaReflection.deserializerFor Method

[source, scala]

deserializerFor[T: TypeTag]: Expression

deserializerFor creates an expressions/[expression] to deserialize from InternalRow to a Scala object of type T.

import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.ScalaReflection.deserializerFor
val timestampDeExpr = deserializerFor[java.sql.Timestamp]
scala> println(timestampDeExpr.numberedTreeString)
00 staticinvoke(class org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.DateTimeUtils$, ObjectType(class java.sql.Timestamp), toJavaTimestamp, upcast(getcolumnbyordinal(0, TimestampType), TimestampType, - root class: "java.sql.Timestamp"), true)
01 +- upcast(getcolumnbyordinal(0, TimestampType), TimestampType, - root class: "java.sql.Timestamp")
02    +- getcolumnbyordinal(0, TimestampType)

val tuple2DeExpr = deserializerFor[(java.sql.Timestamp, Double)]
scala> println(tuple2DeExpr.numberedTreeString)
00 newInstance(class scala.Tuple2)
01 :- staticinvoke(class org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.util.DateTimeUtils$, ObjectType(class java.sql.Timestamp), toJavaTimestamp, upcast(getcolumnbyordinal(0, TimestampType), TimestampType, - field (class: "java.sql.Timestamp", name: "_1"), - root class: "scala.Tuple2"), true)
02 :  +- upcast(getcolumnbyordinal(0, TimestampType), TimestampType, - field (class: "java.sql.Timestamp", name: "_1"), - root class: "scala.Tuple2")
03 :     +- getcolumnbyordinal(0, TimestampType)
04 +- upcast(getcolumnbyordinal(1, DoubleType), DoubleType, - field (class: "scala.Double", name: "_2"), - root class: "scala.Tuple2")
05    +- getcolumnbyordinal(1, DoubleType)

Internally, deserializerFor calls the recursive internal variant of <> with a single-element walked type path with - root class: "[clsName]"


Read up on Scala's TypeTags in TypeTags and Manifests.

NOTE: deserializerFor is used exclusively when ExpressionEncoder <> for a Scala type T.

=== [[localTypeOf]] localTypeOf Object Method

[source, scala]

localTypeOf[T: TypeTag]: Type


[source, scala]

import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.ScalaReflection val tpe = ScalaReflection.localTypeOf[Int] scala> :type tpe org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.ScalaReflection.universe.Type

scala> println(tpe) Int

NOTE: localTypeOf is used when...FIXME

=== [[getClassNameFromType]] getClassNameFromType Object Method

[source, scala]

getClassNameFromType(tpe: Type): String


[source, scala]

import org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.ScalaReflection val tpe = ScalaReflection.localTypeOf[java.time.LocalDateTime] val className = ScalaReflection.getClassNameFromType(tpe) scala> println(className) java.time.LocalDateTime

NOTE: getClassNameFromType is used when...FIXME

=== [[definedByConstructorParams]] definedByConstructorParams Object Method

[source, scala]

definedByConstructorParams(tpe: Type): Boolean


NOTE: definedByConstructorParams is used when...FIXME