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ListSourceExecutor is a CustomExecutors to handle the following statements:

Handling LIST STREAMS Statement

StatementExecutorResponse streams(
  ConfiguredStatement<ListStreams> statement,
  SessionProperties sessionProperties,
  KsqlExecutionContext executionContext,
  ServiceContext serviceContext)

streams getSpecificStreams.


streams is used when:

Handling DESCRIBE SOURCE Statement

StatementExecutorResponse columns(
  ConfiguredStatement<ShowColumns> statement,
  SessionProperties sessionProperties,
  KsqlExecutionContext executionContext,
  ServiceContext serviceContext)

columns describes the DataSource (of the given ShowColumns statement).

columns is used when:


SourceDescriptionWithWarnings describeSource(
  KsqlConfig ksqlConfig,
  KsqlExecutionContext ksqlExecutionContext,
  ServiceContext serviceContext,
  SourceName name,
  boolean extended,
  ConfiguredStatement<? extends StatementWithExtendedClause> statement,
  SessionProperties sessionProperties,
  Collection<SourceDescription> remoteSourceDescriptions)

describeSource looks up the DataSource (by the given name) in the MetaStore (of the given KsqlExecutionContext).

describeSource finds all the running (persistent) queries (in the given KsqlExecutionContext). The queries include reading and writing queries (by getSourceNames and getSinkName, respectively).

describeSource collects DROP constraints of the name source (if there are any).

With extended flag enabled, describeSource queryOffsetSummaries (for writing queries only).

describeSource creates a SourceDescription with the metricCollectors of the given KsqlExecutionContext (among the other metadata).

describeSource is used when: