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CommandRunnerMetrics is the performance metrics of the CommandRunner.

Performance Metrics

The performance metrics use ksql_service_id tag with

Name Group Description
degraded-reason _confluent-[metricGroupName] The reason for why the CommandRunner thread is in a DEGRADED state
status _confluent-[metricGroupName] The status of the CommandRunner thread

CommandRunnerMetrics in jconsole

Creating Instance

CommandRunnerMetrics takes the following to be created:

CommandRunnerMetrics is created along with CommandRunner.

Metrics Group Name

CommandRunnerMetrics uses the metricsGroupPrefix (default: ksql-rest-app) for the metrics group name of the metrics.


Default Metrics Group Prefix

CommandRunnerMetrics uses ksql-rest-app prefix as the metricsGroupPrefix by default (unless overriden).