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Serdes Registry

KafkaSerdeFactory defines SERDE registry of Serdes (Apache Kafka) that are supported by KafkaFormat.

Type Serde
Integer Serdes.Integer
Long Serdes.Long
Double Serdes.Double
String Serdes.String
ByteBuffer Serdes.ByteBuffer


boolean containsSerde(
  Class<?> javaType)

containsSerde is true when the given javaType is in SERDE registry.

containsSerde is used when:

Creating Serde

Serde<List<?>> createSerde(
  PersistenceSchema schema)

createSerde returns a KsqlVoidSerde for no columns in the given PersistenceSchema.

createSerde throws a KsqlException for two or more columns in the given PersistenceSchema:

The 'KAFKA' format only supports a single field. Got: [columns]

createSerde converts the SQL type of the single column (in the schema) to a Java type and creates a Serde.

createSerde is used when:


<T> Serde<List<?>> createSerde(
  SimpleColumn singleColumn,
  Class<T> javaType)
