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GenericRowSerDe is a ValueSerdeFactory.

Creating Instance

GenericRowSerDe takes the following to be created:

GenericRowSerDe is created when:

  • CreateSourceFactory is created
  • InsertsSubscriber is requested to createInsertsSubscriber
  • InsertValuesExecutor is created
  • KafkaConsumerFactory is requested to create a KafkaConsumer
  • RuntimeBuildContext utility is used to create a RuntimeBuildContext

Creating Value Serde

Serde<GenericRow> create(
  FormatInfo format,
  PersistenceSchema schema,
  KsqlConfig ksqlConfig,
  Supplier<SchemaRegistryClient> srClientFactory,
  String loggerNamePrefix,
  ProcessingLogContext processingLogContext,
  Optional<TrackedCallback> tracker)

create is part of the ValueSerdeFactory abstraction.

create requests the inner GenericSerdeFactory to createFormatSerde (for the Value target and isKey flag off) and converts it to a Serde of GenericRows.

create requests the inner GenericSerdeFactory to wrapInLoggingSerde.

create requests the Serde<GenericRow> to configure (with isKey flag off).

Creating Serde of GenericRows

Serde<GenericRow> from(
  FormatInfo format,
  PersistenceSchema schema,
  KsqlConfig ksqlConfig,
  Supplier<SchemaRegistryClient> schemaRegistryClientFactory,
  String loggerNamePrefix,
  ProcessingLogContext processingLogContext)

from creates a GenericRowSerDe to create a Serde of GenericRow.