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Creating Instance

RuntimeBuildContext takes the following to be created:

RuntimeBuildContext is created using of factory.


RuntimeBuildContext is given a StreamsBuilder (Kafka Streams) when created.

The StreamsBuilder is used when:

Creating RuntimeBuildContext

RuntimeBuildContext of(
  final StreamsBuilder streamsBuilder,
  final KsqlConfig ksqlConfig,
  final ServiceContext serviceContext,
  final ProcessingLogContext processingLogContext,
  final FunctionRegistry functionRegistry,
  final String applicationId,
  final QueryId queryId)

of creates a RuntimeBuildContext with the arguments and the following:

of is used when:


ProcessingLogger getProcessingLogger(
  QueryContext queryContext)


Building Value Serde

Serde<GenericRow> buildValueSerde(
  FormatInfo format,
  PhysicalSchema schema,
  QueryContext queryContext)

buildValueSerde builds a query logger prefix for the Query ID (and the given QueryContext).

buildValueSerde requests the QuerySchemas to trackValueSerdeCreation.

In the end, buildValueSerde requests the ValueSerdeFactory to create a value Serde.