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KsqlPlanV1 is a KsqlPlan that EngineExecutor uses to hold the result of planning statements (as a container for a DdlCommand, a QueryPlan or both):

  1. ExecutableDdlStatement with a non-source table (gives a DdlCommand only)
  2. ExecutableDdlStatement with a source table (gives a DdlCommand and a QueryPlan for changes)
  3. QueryContainer (gives a QueryPlan and perhaps a DdlCommand to create a sink)

Creating Instance

KsqlPlanV1 takes the following to be created:

When created, KsqlPlanV1 makes sure that either a DdlCommand or a QueryPlan is given.

KsqlPlanV1 is created when:

Current KsqlPlanV1 Without QueryPlan (withoutQuery)

KsqlPlan withoutQuery()

withoutQuery creates a new KsqlPlanV1 (with the statementText and the ddlCommand but with no QueryPlan).

withoutQuery is part of the KsqlPlan abstraction.