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The Internals of ksqlDB 0.27.2

Welcome to The Internals of ksqlDB online book! 🤙

I'm Jacek Laskowski, an IT freelancer specializing in Apache Spark, Delta Lake, Apache Kafka and Kafka Streams (with brief forays into a wider data engineering space, e.g. Trino and ksqlDB, mostly during Warsaw Data Engineering meetups).

I'm very excited to have you here and hope you will enjoy exploring the internals of ksqlDB as much as I have.

Flannery O'Connor

I write to discover what I know.

"The Internals Of" series

I'm also writing other online books in the "The Internals Of" series. Please visit "The Internals Of" Online Books home page.

Expect text and code snippets from a variety of public sources. Attribution follows.

Now, let's take a deep dive into ksqlDB 🔥

Last update: 2022-09-28