== [[ControllerState]] ControllerState Contract
is the <
Every ControllerEvent
has an associated <ControllerEvent
is processed, it triggers a state transition to the requested state. These state transitions are used for <
has the <KafkaTimers
for every ControllerState
. The timer metric name pattern is kafka.controller:type=ControllerStats,name=.
.ControllerStates and RateAndTimeMs Timer Metrics in JConsole image::images/ControllerStates-RateAndTimeMs-Timer-Metrics-in-JConsole.png[align="center"]
[[contract]] .ControllerState Contract [cols="1m,2",options="header",width="100%"] |=== | Method | Description
| value a| [[value]]
[source, scala]¶
value: Byte¶
Internal identifier
| rateAndTimeMetricName a| [[rateAndTimeMetricName]]
[source, scala]¶
rateAndTimeMetricName: Option[String]¶
depends on the <
[ControllerState_name]RateAndTimeMs when enabled
Undefined when disabled
| hasRateAndTimeMetric a| [[hasRateAndTimeMetric]]
[source, scala]¶
hasRateAndTimeMetric: Boolean¶
Controls whether the ControllerState
has a <true
) or not (false
Default: true
[[implementations]] .ControllerStates (and Triggering ControllerEvents) [cols="1m,3",options="header",width="100%"] |=== | ControllerState | Description
| AutoLeaderBalance | [[AutoLeaderBalance]]
| BrokerChange | [[BrokerChange]] <
ControllerEvents: BrokerChange, BrokerModifications
| ControlledShutdown | [[ControlledShutdown]]
| ControllerChange | [[ControllerChange]] ControllerEvents: RegisterBrokerAndReelect
| ControllerShutdown | [[ControllerShutdown]]
| Idle | [[Idle]] The initial state of <
| IsrChange | [[IsrChange]] ControllerEvents: <
| LeaderAndIsrResponseReceived | [[LeaderAndIsrResponseReceived]]
| LogDirChange | [[LogDirChange]] ControllerEvents: LogDirEventNotification
| ManualLeaderBalance | [[ManualLeaderBalance]] ControllerEvents: <
| PartitionReassignment | [[PartitionReassignment]] ControllerEvents: PartitionReassignment, PartitionReassignmentIsrChange
| TopicChange | [[TopicChange]] ControllerEvents: TopicChange, PartitionModifications
| TopicDeletion | [[TopicDeletion]] ControllerEvents: TopicDeletion
| TopicUncleanLeaderElectionEnable | [[TopicUncleanLeaderElectionEnable]]
| UncleanLeaderElectionEnable | [[UncleanLeaderElectionEnable]]
NOTE: ControllerState
is a Scala sealed abstract class and so all the possible <