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AbstractControllerBrokerRequestBatch is an abstraction of ControllerBrokerRequestBatches that can send controller requests to brokers.


Sending ControllerEvent

  event: ControllerEvent): Unit

Sends the ControllerEvent

Used when:

Sending Request (to Broker)

  brokerId: Int,
  request: AbstractControlRequest.Builder[_ <: AbstractControlRequest],
  callback: AbstractResponse => Unit = null): Unit

Sends out an AbstractControlRequest to the given broker (with optional callback to handle a response)

Used when:


Creating Instance

AbstractControllerBrokerRequestBatch takes the following to be created:

Abstract Class

AbstractControllerBrokerRequestBatch is an abstract class and cannot be created directly. It is created indirectly for the concrete AbstractControllerBrokerRequestBatches.

Preparing New Batch

newBatch(): Unit

newBatch throws an IllegalStateException when any of the internal registries are not empty:

  • leaderAndIsrRequestMap

    Controller to broker state change requests batch is not empty while creating a new one.
    Some LeaderAndIsr state changes [leaderAndIsrRequestMap] might be lost
  • stopReplicaRequestMap

    Controller to broker state change requests batch is not empty while creating a new one.
    Some StopReplica state changes [stopReplicaRequestMap] might be lost
  • updateMetadataRequestBrokerSet

    Controller to broker state change requests batch is not empty while creating a new one.
    Some UpdateMetadata state changes to brokers [updateMetadataRequestBrokerSet] with partition info [updateMetadataRequestPartitionInfoMap] might be lost

newBatch is used when:

Sending Controller Requests To Brokers

  controllerEpoch: Int): Unit

sendRequestsToBrokers sends LeaderAndIsr requests out to brokers.

sendRequestsToBrokers sends UpdateMetadata requests out to brokers.

sendRequestsToBrokers sends StopReplica requests out to brokers.

sendRequestsToBrokers is used when:

Sending Out UpdateMetadata Requests

  controllerEpoch: Int,
  stateChangeLog: StateChangeLogger): Unit

sendUpdateMetadataRequests prints out the following INFO message to the logs:

Sending UpdateMetadata request to brokers [updateMetadataRequestBrokerSet] for [size] partitions


Sending Out LeaderAndIsr Requests

  controllerEpoch: Int,
  stateChangeLog: StateChangeLogger): Unit

sendLeaderAndIsrRequest uses the leaderAndIsrRequestMap internal registry for the brokers and partitions to send LeaderAndIsr requests to.

For every broker (that is liveOrShuttingDownBrokerIds) and partitions (with their state), sendLeaderAndIsrRequest determines the type of request:

  • become-leader when the broker is assumed the leader
  • become-follower otherwise

sendLeaderAndIsrRequest prints out the following TRACE message to the logs:

Sending [typeOfRequest] LeaderAndIsr request [state] to broker [broker] for partition [partition]

sendLeaderAndIsrRequest prints out the following INFO message to the logs:

Sending LeaderAndIsr request to broker [broker]
with [numBecomeLeaders] become-leader and [becomeFollower] become-follower partitions

sendLeaderAndIsrRequest creates a LeaderAndIsrRequest.Builder for sending a LeaderAndIsr request to the brokers (one by one).

In the end, sendLeaderAndIsrRequest clears out the leaderAndIsrRequestMap.


  brokerIds: Seq[Int],
  topicPartition: TopicPartition,
  leaderIsrAndControllerEpoch: LeaderIsrAndControllerEpoch,
  replicaAssignment: ReplicaAssignment,
  isNew: Boolean): Unit


addLeaderAndIsrRequestForBrokers is used when: