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NetworkClient is a KafkaClient.


Node leastLoadedNode(
  long now)

leastLoadedNode requests the MetadataUpdater for the nodes (in a non-blocking fashion).

leastLoadedNode generates a random number to offset the first node to start checking node candidates from.

leastLoadedNode finds three nodes:

  1. foundReady that is ready (perhaps with some in-flight requests)
  2. foundConnecting with a connection already being established (using the ClusterConnectionStates registry)
  3. foundCanConnect that can be connected

When a node is found that is ready and has no in-flight requests, leastLoadedNode prints out the following TRACE message to the logs and returns the node immediately:

Found least loaded node [node] connected with no in-flight requests

When a node candidate does not meet any of the above requirements, leastLoadedNode prints out the following TRACE message to the logs:

Removing node [node] from least loaded node selection since it is neither ready for sending nor connecting

leastLoadedNode prefers the foundReady node over the foundConnecting with the foundCanConnect as the last resort.

When no node could be found, leastLoadedNode prints out the following TRACE message to the logs (and returns null):

Least loaded node selection failed to find an available node

leastLoadedNode is part of the KafkaClient abstraction.