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Deletion Vectors

Deletion Vectors is a table feature to soft-delete records (merely marking them as removed without rewriting the underlying parquet data files).

Deletion Vectors is supported by the following commands (based on their corresponding "guard" configuration properties):

Command Configuration Property
(when executed with a condition)

Deletion Vectors can be enabled on a delta table using delta.enableDeletionVectors table property.

ALTER TABLE my_delta_table
SET TBLPROPERTIES ('delta.enableDeletionVectors' = true);

Deletion Vectors is used on a delta table when all of the following hold:

  1. system-wide configuration property is enabled
  2. delta.enableDeletionVectors table property is enabled
  3. DeletionVectorsTableFeature is supported by the Protocol

There are two types of deletion vectors:

  • inline
  • on-disk (persistent)

(Persistent) Deletion Vectors are only supported on parquet-based delta tables.

Storage Type

A deletion vector can be stored in a file or inline in the transaction log of a delta table.

There are the following storage types of deletion vectors:

Storage Type Format Description
p <absolute path> Stored in a file by an absolute path
i <base85 encoded bytes> Stored inline in the transaction log
u <random prefix - optional><base85 encoded uuid> (UUID-based) Stored in a file with a path relative to the data directory of a delta table

Purge Soft-Deleted Rows

VACUUM and OPTIMIZE commands are used to purge soft-deleted rows.

UniForm Iceberg

UniForm Iceberg (IcebergCompatV2 and IcebergCompatV1) uses CheckNoDeletionVector check to assert that Deletion Vectors are disabled on a delta table.

IcebergCompatV<version> requires Deletion Vectors to be disabled on the table.
Please use the ALTER TABLE DROP FEATURE command to disable Deletion Vectors
and to remove the existing Deletion Vectors from the table.

Use ALTER TABLE DROP FEATURE SQL command to drop a feature on a delta table.

The Iceberg-compatibility feature (REORG TABLE with ICEBERG_COMPAT_VERSION) turns Deletion Vectors off.


Create a delta table with delta.enableDeletionVectors table property enabled.

CREATE TABLE tbl(a int)
USING delta
  'delta.enableDeletionVectors' = 'true'
USING delta
  'delta.enableDeletionVectors' = 'true'

Describe the detail of the delta table using DESCRIBE DETAIL command.

sql("DESC DETAIL tbl")
  .select("name", "properties", "minReaderVersion", "minWriterVersion", "tableFeatures")
  .show(truncate = false)
|name                     |properties                           |minReaderVersion|minWriterVersion|tableFeatures    |
|spark_catalog.default.tbl|{delta.enableDeletionVectors -> true}|3               |7               |[deletionVectors]|
sql("INSERT INTO tbl VALUES 1, 2, 3")

Deletion Vectors is supported by DELETE command.

scala> sql("DELETE FROM tbl WHERE id=1").show()
|                1|
val location = sql("DESC DETAIL tbl").select("location").as[String].head()
$ ls -l spark-warehouse/tbl
total 32
drwxr-xr-x@ 9 jacek  staff  288 Jun 11 20:41 _delta_log
-rw-r--r--@ 1 jacek  staff   43 Jun 11 20:41 deletion_vector_5366f7d2-59db-4b86-b160-af5b8f5944d6.bin
-rw-r--r--@ 1 jacek  staff  449 Jun 11 20:39 part-00000-be36d6d7-fd71-4b4a-a6b3-fbb41d568abc-c000.snappy.parquet
-rw-r--r--@ 1 jacek  staff  449 Jun 11 20:39 part-00001-728e8290-6af7-465d-9372-df7d0f981b62-c000.snappy.parquet
-rw-r--r--@ 1 jacek  staff  449 Jun 11 20:39 part-00002-85c45a7f-8903-4a7c-bdd1-2f4998fcc8b4-c000.snappy.parquet

Physically delete dropped rows using VACUUM command.

scala> sql("DESC HISTORY tbl").select("version", "operation", "operationParameters").show(truncate=false)
|version|operation   |operationParameters                                                                                                               |
|2      |DELETE      |{predicate -> ["(a#2003 = 1)"]}                                                                                                   |
|1      |WRITE       |{mode -> Append, partitionBy -> []}                                                                                               |
|0      |CREATE TABLE|{partitionBy -> [], clusterBy -> [], description -> NULL, isManaged -> true, properties -> {"delta.enableDeletionVectors":"true"}}|
scala> sql("SET = false").show(truncate=false)
|key                                                  |value|
scala> sql("VACUUM tbl RETAIN 0 HOURS").show(truncate=false)
Deleted 2 files and directories in a total of 1 directories.
|path                                               |
scala> sql("DESC HISTORY tbl").select("version", "operation", "operationParameters").show(truncate=false)
|version|operation   |operationParameters                                                                                                               |
|4      |VACUUM END  |{status -> COMPLETED}                                                                                                             |
|3      |VACUUM START|{retentionCheckEnabled -> false, defaultRetentionMillis -> 604800000, specifiedRetentionMillis -> 0}                              |
|2      |DELETE      |{predicate -> ["(a#2003 = 1)"]}                                                                                                   |
|1      |WRITE       |{mode -> Append, partitionBy -> []}                                                                                               |
|0      |CREATE TABLE|{partitionBy -> [], clusterBy -> [], description -> NULL, isManaged -> true, properties -> {"delta.enableDeletionVectors":"true"}}|
$ ls -l spark-warehouse/tbl
total 16
drwxr-xr-x@ 13 jacek  staff  416 Jun 11 21:08 _delta_log
-rw-r--r--@  1 jacek  staff  449 Jun 11 20:39 part-00001-728e8290-6af7-465d-9372-df7d0f981b62-c000.snappy.parquet
-rw-r--r--@  1 jacek  staff  449 Jun 11 20:39 part-00002-85c45a7f-8903-4a7c-bdd1-2f4998fcc8b4-c000.snappy.parquet

Learn More

  1. Delta Lake Deletion Vectors