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OptimisticTransaction is an OptimisticTransactionImpl (which seems more of a class name change than anything more important).

OptimisticTransaction is created for changes to a delta table at a given version.

When OptimisticTransaction (as a OptimisticTransactionImpl) is about to be committed (that does doCommit internally), the LogStore (of the delta table) is requested to write actions to a delta file (e.g. _delta_log/00000000000000000001.json for the attempt version 1). Unless a FileAlreadyExistsException is thrown a commit is considered successful or retried.

OptimisticTransaction can be associated with a thread as an active transaction.


val dir = "/tmp/delta/users"
val log = DeltaLog.forTable(spark, dir)

val txn = log.startTransaction()

// ...changes to a delta table...
val addFile = AddFile("foo", Map.empty, 1L, System.currentTimeMillis(), dataChange = true)
val removeFile = addFile.remove
val actions = addFile :: removeFile :: Nil

txn.commit(actions, op)

Alternatively, you could do the following instead.

deltaLog.withNewTransaction { txn =>
  // ...transactional changes to a delta table

Creating Instance

OptimisticTransaction takes the following to be created:


The DeltaLog and Snapshot are part of the OptimisticTransactionImpl abstraction (which in turn inherits them as a TransactionalWrite and simply changes to val from def).

OptimisticTransaction is created when DeltaLog is used for the following:

Active Thread-Local OptimisticTransaction

active: ThreadLocal[OptimisticTransaction]

active is a Java ThreadLocal with the OptimisticTransaction of the current thread.


ThreadLocal provides thread-local variables. These variables differ from their normal counterparts in that each thread that accesses one (via its get or set method) has its own, independently initialized copy of the variable.

ThreadLocal instances are typically private static fields in classes that wish to associate state with a thread (e.g., a user ID or Transaction ID).

active is assigned to the current thread using setActive utility and cleared in clearActive.

active is available using getActive utility.

There can only be one active OptimisticTransaction (or an IllegalStateException is thrown).


  txn: OptimisticTransaction): Unit

setActive associates the given OptimisticTransaction as active with the current thread.

setActive throws an IllegalStateException if there is an active OptimisticTransaction already associated:

Cannot set a new txn as active when one is already active

setActive is used when:


clearActive(): Unit

clearActive clears the active transaction (so no transaction is associated with the current thread).

clearActive is used when:


getActive(): Option[OptimisticTransaction]

getActive returns the active transaction (if available).

getActive seems unused.


Enable ALL logging level for logger to see what happens inside.

Add the following line to conf/

Refer to Logging.