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AllStagesPage is a WebUIPage of StagesTab.

Stages Tab in web UI for FAIR scheduling mode (with pools only)

Stages Tab in web UI for FAIR scheduling mode (with pools and stages)

Creating Instance

AllStagesPage takes the following to be created:

Rendering Page

  request: HttpServletRequest): Seq[Node]

render is part of the WebUIPage abstraction.

render renders a Stages for All Jobs page with the stages and application summary (from the AppStatusStore of the parent StagesTab).

Stage Headers

AllStagesPage uses the following headers and tooltips for the Stages table.

Header Tooltip
Stage Id
Pool Name
Duration Elapsed time since the stage was submitted until execution completion of all its tasks.
Tasks: Succeeded/Total
Input Bytes read from Hadoop or from Spark storage.
Output Bytes written to Hadoop.
Shuffle Read Total shuffle bytes and records read (includes both data read locally and data read from remote executors).
Shuffle Write Bytes and records written to disk in order to be read by a shuffle in a future stage.
Failure Reason Bytes and records written to disk in order to be read by a shuffle in a future stage.