is an interface to launch Spark applications programmatically, i.e. from a code (not spark-submit/[spark-submit] directly). It uses a builder pattern to configure a Spark application and launch it as a child process using spark-submit/[spark-submit].
uses SparkSubmitCommandBuilder to build the Spark command of a Spark application to launch.
defines spark-internal
) as a special value to inform Spark not to try to process the application resource (primary resource) as a regular file (but as an imaginary resource that cluster managers would know how to look up and submit for execution, e.g. Spark on YARN or Spark on Kubernetes).
special value is used when:
is requested to prepareSubmitEnvironment and checks whether to add the primaryResource as part of the following:--jar
(for Spark on YARN incluster
deploy mode)--primary-*
arguments and define the--main-class
argument (for Spark on Kubernetes incluster
deploy mode withKubernetesClientApplication
main class)SparkSubmit
is requested to check whether a resource is internal or not
's Builder Methods to Set Up Invocation of Spark Application [options="header",width="100%"] |=== | Setter | Description | addAppArgs(String... args)
| Adds command line arguments for a Spark application. | addFile(String file)
| Adds a file to be submitted with a Spark application. | addJar(String jar)
| Adds a jar file to be submitted with the application. | addPyFile(String file)
| Adds a python file / zip / egg to be submitted with a Spark application. | addSparkArg(String arg)
| Adds a no-value argument to the Spark invocation. | addSparkArg(String name, String value)
| Adds an argument with a value to the Spark invocation. It recognizes known command-line arguments, i.e. --master
, --properties-file
, --conf
, --class
, --jars
, --files
, and --py-files
. | directory(File dir)
| Sets the working directory of spark-submit. | redirectError()
| Redirects stderr to stdout. | redirectError(File errFile)
| Redirects error output to the specified errFile
file. | redirectError(ProcessBuilder.Redirect to)
| Redirects error output to the specified to
Redirect. | redirectOutput(File outFile)
| Redirects output to the specified outFile
file. | redirectOutput(ProcessBuilder.Redirect to)
| Redirects standard output to the specified to
Redirect. | redirectToLog(String loggerName)
| Sets all output to be logged and redirected to a logger with the specified name. | setAppName(String appName)
| Sets the name of an Spark application | setAppResource(String resource)
| Sets the main application resource, i.e. the location of a jar file for Scala/Java applications. | setConf(String key, String value)
| Sets a Spark property. Expects key
starting with spark.
prefix. | setDeployMode(String mode)
| Sets the deploy mode. | setJavaHome(String javaHome)
| Sets a custom JAVA_HOME
. | setMainClass(String mainClass)
| Sets the main class. | setMaster(String master)
| Sets the master URL. | setPropertiesFile(String path)
| Sets the internal propertiesFile
Internal Method]. | setSparkHome(String sparkHome)
| Sets a custom SPARK_HOME
. | setVerbose(boolean verbose)
| Enables verbose reporting for SparkSubmit. |===
After the invocation of a Spark application is set up, use launch()
method to launch a sub-process that will start the configured Spark application. It is however recommended to use startApplication
method instead.
[source, scala]¶
import org.apache.spark.launcher.SparkLauncher
val command = new SparkLauncher() .setAppResource("SparkPi") .setVerbose(true)